Learn Oneida
Learn Oneida

Places in the community

at the ball park
tsiʔ tehuttsihkwaʔéktaʔ
at the band office
tsiʔ thatihashʌtákhwaʔ
at the bank
tsiʔ tyehwistayʌtákhwaʔ
at the bar
tsiʔ thatihnekila·thaʔ
at the bridge
at the casino / bingo
tsiʔ tethatihyatuslayʌ́takhwaʔ
at the car repair
tsiʔ thuteʔslehtunyá·tha
at the car wash
tsiʔ tyuteʔslehtohaleʔtákhwa
at the cemetery
tsiʔ thuwatiyaʔtataʔastha
at the church
tsiʔ tyutlʌnayʌtákhwaʔ
community centre
tsiʔ thutyaʔtaló·loks
at the dentist's office
tsiʔ thuwatinawilotákhwaʔ
at the doctor's office
at the dump / landfill
tsiʔ yeyakotyéhtha
tsiʔ yeyakotyéhtákhwaʔ
at the fairgrounds
tsiʔ tethutkʌnyé·thaʔ
at the fire station
at the fitness centre
tsiʔ thutyaʔtahnilátsta
at the gas station
tsiʔ tyutye nahní·nuheʔ
at the health centre
tsiʔ thuwatitsyʌtákhwa
at the hospital
tsiʔ teyutateshnyé·thaʔ
at the hotel
tsiʔ teyetástaʔ
at the jail
tsiʔ tyutatenhotú·khwaʔ
at the library
tsiʔ tyewʌnahnótakhwaʔ
tsiʔ thatihyatuslayʌtakhwaʔ
at the longhouse
at the mall
tsiʔ tyutʌhninuheʔkó·
at the drive in
tsiʔ twatasatálhaʔ
at the movie theatre
tsiʔ twatasatálhaʔ
at the playground
tsiʔ thutnutolyaʔ tákhwaʔ
at the police station
at the political office
tsiʔ tethatilihutá·kwas
at the post office
tsiʔ tyehyatuhslayʌtakhwaʔ
at the radio station
tsiʔ thutlʌnóthaʔ
on the reserve
at the restaurant
tsiʔ tyutekhunyá·thaʔ
at the school
tsiʔ tyutatlihunyʌní·thaʔ
at the store
tsiʔ tyutʌhní·nuheʔ
in town